Last Day to Register for Flourish: Thriving through the Wait (FREE Live Women’s Zoom Event with Xochitl Dixon)

Are you feeling tired, frustrated, discouraged, stuck, lonely, or simply longing for a deeper connection with God and other women?

If you answered yes, you are not alone.

Please PRE-REGISTER for Flourish: Thriving through the Wait by Friday, November 13, 2020 at 8 pm (Pacific).

If you pre-register and attend this FREE LIVE WOMEN’S ZOOM EVENT, you will be eligible for a chance to receive one of two signed copies of Waiting for God, or one of two copies of God Hears Her, an Our Daily Bread bestselling compilation.

You will also be eligible for a chance to receive the Mega-Giveaway, which will include: a signed copy of Waiting for God, a copy of God Hears Her, and a signed copy of my first children’s picture book, Different Like Me, with some fun swag.

I look forward to connecting with you after the message.

Father God, please prepare our hearts to hear from You and surrender every aspect of the wait into Your capable and compassionate hands. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Flourish: Thriving through the Wait

Saturday, November 14, 2020 Agenda

Check-In: 9:45 am to 10 am (Pacific)

Welcome and Message: 10 am – 10:45 am (Pacific)

Fellowship and Giveaways: 10:45 am – 11:30 am (Pacific)

Closing Prayer: 11:30 am (Pacific)


 If you registered in the month of October or before for Flourish through the FBCVV Women’s Ministry, you do not need to register again.

If you haven’t registered yet, please click HERE and fill out the form.

Registrants will receive the Zoom link and instruction via email and will automatically be entered for a chance to receive one of the exclusive giveaways I’ll be offering during this FREE LIVE Women’s Zoom Event.


I will be recording Flourish: Thriving through the Wait for those who are unable to join me for this event. Stay tuned for more details on this blog and on social media. If you haven’t joined my blog family yet, please visit my home page and subscribe today.


Exciting Change of Venue for Flourish: Thriving through the Wait

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the First Baptist Church Vacaville Women’s Ministry will no longer be hosting Flourish: Thriving through the Wait on their Facebook LIVE page.

But God . . . Hallelujah . . . God quickly affirmed that nothing would stop me from sharing the message He’s placed on my heart to share with you.

If you registered in the month of October or before for Flourish through the FBCVV Women’s Ministry, the lovely leadership team has already given me your contact information.

You do not need to register again. You will receive the Zoom link via email so you can join me for this spirit-refreshing time of worship, fellowship, biblical encouragement, and prayer.

If you haven’t registered yet, please click HERE and fill out the form.

You will receive the Zoom link and instruction via email. All registrants will automatically be entered for a chance to receive one of the exclusive giveaways I’ll be offering during this FREE LIVE Zoom Event.

That’s right! FREE LIVE Zoom Event!

As I prayed over the change of venue, the Lord nudged me to make this event more personal.

I am looking forward to connecting with you via Zoom on November 14, 2020 from 10 am to 11:30 am (Pacific).

After the message, we’ll connect and celebrate with some fun giveaways.

Here is the original invitation with more details:

Are you feeling tired, frustrated, discouraged, stuck, lonely, or simply longing for a deeper connection with God and other women?

If you answered yes, you are not alone.

Please join me for Flourish: Thriving through the Wait.

We’ll enjoy a spirit-refreshing time of worship, fellowship, biblical encouragement, and prayer as God equips us to thrive through the wait with our hope, joy, peace, and our identities rooted in His unchanging and infallible Word.

If you pre-register and attend the FREE LIVE ZOOM EVENT, you will be eligible for a chance to receive one of two signed copies of Waiting for God, or one of two copies of God Hears Her, an Our Daily Bread bestselling compilation.

The grand prize will include: a signed copy of Waiting for God, a copy of God Hears Her, and a signed copy of my first children’s picture book, Different Like Me, with some fun swag.

Register for Flourish: Thriving through the Wait today!

If you cannot make it to this FREE LIVE Zoom Event on November 14th, I still want to connect with you in the comment sections on my blog and on social media.

I will be recording Flourish to share as the kick-off video for my brand-new YouTube Channel, as I prepare to present the second season of Pause for Prayer.

On November 21, 2020, you’re invited to Pause for Prayer: The Waiting for God Video Series.

 This stand-alone series, designed to complement the 31 chapters in my devotional, Waiting for God: Trusting Daily in God’s Plan and Pace, will include Scripture reading, biblical encouragement, and prayers.

 You do not need to purchase a copy of Waiting for God to enjoy this season of Pause for Prayer videos.

Join me on November 14, 2020 for Flourish: Thriving through the Wait and for Pause for Prayer, from November 21, 2020 to December 21, 2020.

I’ll share more information on this blog and through my social media pages.

If you haven’t connected with me on social media, please check out the links in the purple section at the bottom of my website pages.

I’m so excited to see what the Lord has in store for us!

Father God, thanks for assuring us that You have a purpose for every second we spend waiting for You. Please align our hearts with Yours and fill us with wisdom, courage, and confidence rooted in Your Word and Your proven faithfulness.

When the days feel way too long, fuel our perseverance with Your enduring hope. When the road ahead is covered in a fog of frustration, discouragement, loneliness, impatience, selfishness, fear, insecurities, or doubt, clear our vision and sharpen our hearing so we can discern Your directions.

Help us recognize our desperate need for You as we submit to the plan and pace You’ve set for our growth and our good. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


SPECIAL EVENT:  If you want to join me in reading through Waiting for God: Trusting Daily in God’s Plan and Pace while we enjoy the Pause for Prayer: Waiting for God Video Series, I’ll be hosting a book discussion and prayer time on Tuesday, December 22, 2020 at 6 pm (Pacific).

I’ll share the registration information on my blog and on social media soon.

Love your neighbors by ordering extra copies to share as gifts on Amazon, at Barnes and Nobel, from Our Daily Bread Publishing, or on the Christian Book website today.

If you’ve read Waiting for God: Trusting Daily in God’s Plan and Pace, please prayerfully consider writing a short review on Amazon and any other review platforms you enjoy so we can reach more readers with this empowering message of hope.

Thanks for your loving support and encouragement!


Are You Tired, Frustrated, Discouraged, Lonely, or Simply Longing for Deeper Connections with God and Others?

(UPDATED November 2, 2020)

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the First Baptist Church Vacaville Women’s Ministry will no longer be hosting Flourish: Thriving through the Wait on their Facebook LIVE page.

But God . . . Hallelujah . . . God quickly affirmed that nothing would stop me from sharing the message He’s placed on my heart to share with you.

If you registered in the month of October or before for Flourish through the FBCVV Women’s Ministry, the lovely leadership team has already given me your contact information.

You do not need to register again. You will receive the Zoom link via email so you can join me for this spirit-refreshing time of worship, fellowship, biblical encouragement, and prayer.

If you haven’t registered yet, please click HERE and fill out the form.

You will receive the Zoom link and instruction via email. All registrants will automatically be entered for a chance to receive one of the exclusive giveaways I’ll be offering during this FREE LIVE Zoom Event.

That’s right! FREE LIVE Zoom Event!

As I prayed over the change of venue, the Lord nudged me to make this event more personal.

I am looking forward to connecting with you via Zoom on November 14, 2020 from 10 am to 11:30 am (Pacific).

After the message, we’ll connect and celebrate with some fun giveaways.

Here is the original invitation with more details:

Are you feeling tired, frustrated, discouraged, stuck, lonely, or simply longing for a deeper connection with God and other women?

If you answered yes, you are not alone.

Please join me for Flourish: Thriving through the Wait.

We’ll enjoy a spirit-refreshing time of worship, fellowship, biblical encouragement, and prayer as God equips us to thrive through the wait with our hope, joy, peace, and our identities rooted in His unchanging and infallible Word.

If you pre-register and attend the FREE LIVE ZOOM EVENT, you will be eligible for a chance to receive one of two signed copies of Waiting for God, or one of two copies of God Hears Her, an Our Daily Bread bestselling compilation.

The grand prize will include: a signed copy of Waiting for God, a copy of God Hears Her, and a signed copy of my first children’s picture book, Different Like Me, with some fun swag.

Register for Flourish: Thriving through the Wait today!

If you cannot make it to this FREE LIVE Zoom Event on November 14th, I still want to connect with you in the comment sections on my blog and on social media.

I will be recording Flourish to share as the kick-off video for my brand-new YouTube Channel, as I prepare to present the second season of Pause for Prayer.

 On November 21, 2020, you’re invited to Pause for Prayer: The Waiting for God Video Series.

 This stand-alone series, designed to complement the 31 chapters in my devotional, Waiting for God: Trusting Daily in God’s Plan and Pace, will include Scripture reading, biblical encouragement, and prayers.

 You do not need to purchase a copy of Waiting for God to enjoy this season of Pause for Prayer videos.

Join me on November 14, 2020 for Flourish: Thriving through the Wait and for Pause for Prayer, from November 21, 2020 to December 21, 2020.

I’ll share more information on this blog and through my social media pages.

If you haven’t connected with me on social media, please check out the links in the purple section at the bottom of my website pages.

I’m so excited to see what the Lord has in store for us!

Father God, thanks for assuring us that You have a purpose for every second we spend waiting for You. Please align our hearts with Yours and fill us with wisdom, courage, and confidence rooted in Your Word and Your proven faithfulness.

When the days feel way too long, fuel our perseverance with Your enduring hope. When the road ahead is covered in a fog of frustration, discouragement, loneliness, impatience, selfishness, fear, insecurities, or doubt, clear our vision and sharpen our hearing so we can discern Your directions.

Help us recognize our desperate need for You as we submit to the plan and pace You’ve set for our growth and our good. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Why I Wrote Different Like Me and Blog Tour Mega Giveaway

What are you?

That question used to trigger anger, frustration, and sadness, especially when people responded in disbelief because my answer didn’t fit the stereotypes they’d accepted as truth. My insecurities deepened, causing me to hate my own light-but-not-white reflection.

Years later, when I became a mom of two black sons, I didn’t want them to suffer similar insecurities. I didn’t want them to think their worth as people could be determined by the opinions, expectations, or biases of others.

I wanted my sons to love God, to love the way God created them, and to love all the people God created.

But my desires and best-intentions couldn’t protect them the ignorance and hate so prevalent in our fallen world.

One day, during a trip to an ice cream shop, an adult male glared at my five-year-old son and said, “What are you?”

The sting of his words ripped the scar off the wound on my heart that I thought had healed.

Asking God to help me forgive, I sought ways to help my sons rejoice in their uniqueness and God’s creativity in designing all of His people. While studying my Bible, I began learning how to embrace my identity in Christ.

The more I learned about God’s love for me, the more I began to accept I worth loving and the more I began to love others.

I wrote Different Like Me in 2001, shortly after receiving Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

Originally, I had planned to use the poem to teach my sons how to celebrate our differences and our sameness as God’s beautifully diverse and purposefully connected people. But the Lord kept nudging me to share the story with others.

God didn’t roll out His plans at the pace I’d expected.

In 2016, my agent and an editor read Different Like Me, loved it, but couldn’t move forward with publication.

The following year, I signed a contract for my first full-length devotional, Waiting for God: Trusting Daily in God’s Plan and Pace.

I set Different Like Me aside as I worked on the other projects the Lord had entrusted to me.

In 2018, shortly after submitting Waiting for God to my editor at Our Daily Bread Publishing, my agent and the editor who had loved Different Like Me in 2016 requested a complete proposal for the manuscript.

I scrambled to prepare my first children’s picture book proposal with the help of my friend and prolific children’s book author, Crystal Bowman. I submitted the proposal to several editors before prayerfully deciding to accept a contract from Our Daily Bread Publishing.

Then, I began praying for an illustrator who would avoid stereotypes and include children with special needs as heroes, not sideline characters.

Bonnie Lui (pronounced Louie) did a fabulous job. She weaved her own beautiful story into the gorgeous illustrations that breathe life into the whimsical rhyming text I’d written almost two decades earlier.

Bonnie even created a character inspired by my service dog, Callie, a Border Collie/Hound mix we rescued in 2018 from a kill-shelter and trained through Tails for Life after God moved us from California to Wisconsin.

Earlier this year, as I prepared for the August 2020 release of Different Like Me, tragedy divided our world.

I truly believe God delayed my path to publication so that He could prepare hearts to receive the message of love, unity, peace, and hope that He has brought to life through each page of Different Like Me.

This week, Celebrate Lit is going to be hosting an exciting blog tour with a mega giveaway!

The Different Like Me Celebrate Lit Blog Tour Mega Giveaway includes: a signed copy of Different Like Me with a bookmark and sticker, an exclusive coloring page signed by the illustrator, Bonnie Lui, a Different Like Me full-color 8 ½ x 11 poster, one box of Crayola’s Colors of the Word crayons (24-pack), a 4-pack of crayons, a Different Like Me fish shaped key chain, a fish-out-of-water finger puppet and lollipop, Swedish Fish, a colorful fish book bag, a custom made Different Like Me cup, and a $25.00 Amazon gift card to encourage readers to build up their collection children’s picture books that celebrate diversity.

Be sure to comment on the blog stops (posted below) for nine extra entries into the giveaway!

Inklings and notions, September 14

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 15

Texas Book-aholic, September 16

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, September 17

Splashes of Joy, September 18

deb’s Book Review, September 18

For Him and My Family, September 19

A Reader’s Brain, September 20

Simple Harvest Reads, September 21 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Mary Hake, September 21

Book Love, September 22 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

Ashley’s Bookshelf, September 23

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, September 24

Artistic Nobody, September 25

Book Bites, Bee Stings, & Butterfly Kisses, September 25

Locks, Hooks and Books, September 26

Sara Jane Jacobs, September 27


I’m looking forward to interacting with you in the comment sections of each blog post!



Join Me On the Award-Winning Timothy Hodge Show on Blog Talk Radio! (Book Giveaway)

(Book Giveaway: Details in this post.)

God blessed me with a wonderful opportunity to chat with Mr. Timothy Hodge from The Timothy Hodge Show on Blog Talk Radio.

The Timothy Hodge Show started in August 2008 and was announced as the winner of the prestigious Hal Jackson Radio Award from the National Radio Alliance in Las Vegas on June 20, 2020.

This American talk radio show hosted by DJ Timothy Hodge shares live music, celebrity interviews, current events, entertainment news, live media events and much more. You can listen to the show on Power 93.4 FM and on the Blogtalk Radio Network, a subscription based internet radio service.

The Timothy Hodge Show is one of the highest rated syndicated radio shows on the B.T.R Network and has featured a variety of guests, including but not limited to: Montell Jordon, Keith Murray, Yolanda Adams, Jesse McCartney, Gloria Gaynor, Brandy, Regina Belle, Smokey Robinson, Marvin Winans, Mario Winans, Jasmine Guy, Nia Long, Oleta Adams, Evelyn “Champange” King , Stephanie Mills, Cissy Houston, and Regina King.

I enjoyed a great conversation with Mr. Hodge, who happens to be a fellow dog lover!

We discussed my children’s picture book, Different Like Me, our shared love for dogs, working to change the perception of people with special needs, and advocating for mental health awareness.

We also talked about how to stay encouraged and make a positive impact as we navigate through the pandemic and continue standing against racism, discrimination, and injustice.

Join me on The Timothy Hodge Show by clicking here.

Please leave comments on the show’s page and under this post.

I’ll be giving away one free signed copy of Different Like Me on Sunday, September 13, 2020, at 8 pm Central.

To be entered for your chance to receive that signed copy of Different Like Me, please listen to my interview on The Timothy Hodge Show then return to my website and let me know what you thought about our discussion (in the comment section below).

I look forward to hearing from you!

PRAISE: As of today, Different Like Me is still the #1 New Release on Amazon’s Christian Children’s Social Issues Category and the #1 New Release on Amazon’s Children’s Special Needs Category. Different Like Me has held that spot numerous times since its August 4, 2020 release date.

You can order your copy of Different Like Me or love your neighbors by ordering extra copies to share as gifts on Amazon today.

If you enjoy Different Like Me, please write a short review on Amazon and any other review platforms you enjoy. Every review makes a difference and can to help place God’s message of love and unity into the hands of more readers around the world.

I thank God for your prayers, your encouragement, and your help spreading the word about Different Like Me so that more children will learn to celebrate our differences and our sameness as God’s beautifully diverse and purposefully connected people!

Valuing the Beauty of God’s Masterful and Diverse Workmanship

Years ago, my son raced out of his kindergarten classroom and into my arms and shared a story that I’d long expected but wished we could have avoided. An older student had hurled racial slurs at him during recess.

A white woman interrupted our conversation. “Oh, honey,” she said. “We’re all equal. God doesn’t see color.”

Before I could respond, she smiled and walked away.

My son frowned. “God doesn’t see me because I’m brown, Mama?”

“God sees you and loves you,” I said, trying to conceal my anger. Why didn’t I tell the woman that her words hurt me and could have hurt my son if not addressed? Cupping his face in my light-but-not-white hands, I met his gaze.

To read more, click here to join me as I serve as a guest writer on the (in)courage blog today.


Sign up here to receive free notes from (in)courage, delivered daily to your inbox!



Today is the release date for Different Like Me!

You can love your neighbors by ordering extra copies to share as gifts on Amazon, Barnes and Nobel, ChristianBook, Our Daily Bread Publishing, or wherever books are sold.

You can encourage me and partner with me in ministry by writing a review on Amazon or any other review platforms you enjoy.

Thanks for your prayers and encouragement as we celebrate our differences and our sameness as God’s beautifully diverse and purposefully connected people.

Celebrating Diversity with a Book Giveaway!

On August 4, 2020, Our Daily Bread Publishing will be releasing my first children’s picture book.

Different Like Me celebrates our differences and our sameness as God’s beautifully diverse and purposefully connected people.

I prayed for an illustrator who would create diverse characters, avoid stereotypes, and include special needs children as heroes not just sideline characters.

The talented Bonnie Lui did a fabulous job!

She even used photos of Callie to create the service dog in the book. Yep. That’s Callie on the cover.

Recently, a friend asked me why I wrote Different Like Me.

My reasons for writing the book brought up some painful memories and a question that had caused deep resentment and contributed to my identity-crisis as a young adult.

What are you?

As a Mexican American with a light-but-not-white complexion, I struggled with poor self-image.

Even though our diverse extended family accepted and loved me without judgement, I never felt like I fit in or resembled the stereotypes some people had accepted as truth.

My parents had done everything they could to erase our culture at home, not intentionally or maliciously. They simply wanted their first-generation American children to assimilate into the dominant culture.

They never considered that some people in that dominant culture wouldn’t accept me or that some in my own culture would call me a sell-out because I didn’t meet their expectations.

It took me decades to understand my parents’ predicament and their regrets for some of the decisions they’d made.

They had no idea that their choices would thrust me into an ongoing battle with feelings of worthlessness, self-hatred, and loneliness.

When I married Alan, we received full custody of his seven-year-old boy.

It didn’t take us long to discover we didn’t fit the stereotypes that came with being an interracial couple or a blended family.

Our growing family faced subtle and blatant racism daily in our predominately white world.

Instead of reciprocating with hate or bitterness, we chose to love and encouraged our sons to love all people.

After our youngest son got slapped in the face with a racial slur shouted directly at him when he was in kindergarten, I knew something had to change on a deeper and wider level.

As I prayed, the Lord revealed I was part of the problem.

I was not living out my desire to raise my children in a diverse environment.

Our family grew closer to God and each other in a church that was predominately white.

We had white friends and colleagues.

But the close friends and family we spent the most time with were predominately people of color.

I repented and made a conscious effort to nurture deeper and more authentic relationships with people from all backgrounds.

We still faced racism, subtle and blatant, even within the church and at our son’s Christian school.

We still had to prepare our sons for life in America as black men.

And we still appreciated the gift of being a part of God’s intentionally diverse family.

Standing on the firm foundation of the Bible ̶ the trustworthy and unchanging God-breathed words of Scripture ̶ I can now answer that question with a renewed confidence.

What are you?

I am a Child of God!

We are beloved children of God. Hallelujah!

The Lord knows, cares for, and remains with all of His beloved children (Psalm 139:1-12).

He intentionally designed each of us to be unique with a unified purpose (vv.13-14).

He remains reliable and intimately involved in the lives of all His children (vv. 15-18).

God affirms people are not our enemies (vv. 19-22).

And He accepts our invitation to reveal our sinful attitudes, our biases, and the ungodly expectations we place on ourselves and others as He helps us live for Him (vv. 23-24).

What are we?

We are beloved children of God!

When we struggle, stray, or slip into believing the enemy’s lies about our worth and our purpose, when we don’t fit in or feel like we belong, God reminds us we belong to Him.

I thank God for our differences and our sameness as God’s beautifully diverse and purposefully connected people.

I’m grateful you are special and different like me.

Today, I want to celebrate you, and every other amazing person God created and uses to work together for His glory and our good, by giving away one copy of Different Like Me.


How can you enter for your chance to receive the giveaway copy of Different Like Me?

Share something about yourself that God has helped you see as special, something that helps you serve Him and others in a way that is unique to you.

If you are a parent, I would love to know how you have intentionally equipped and encouraged your children to celebrate diversity?

I’ll be announcing the recipient of this giveaway copy of Different Like Me on Wednesday, July 8, 2020.


I cannot do anything without God or your ongoing prayers, encouragement, and support.

How can you help?

You can spread the word about Different Like Me.

You can love your neighbors and buy extra copies of Different Like Me to share as gifts.

You can donate copies of Different Like Me to your local schools, libraries, children’s ministry leaders, or foster care organizations.

You can pre-order your copies of Different Like Me for only $9.99 each on Amazon today!

And if you enjoy reading Different Like Me, you can write a short Amazon review.


To write an Amazon review, all you have to do is answer three questions?

1. What did you like about Different Like Me?
2. What didn’t you like about Different Like Me? (optional)
3. Would you recommend Different Like Me to others?


Thanks for joining me in this exciting ministry outreach as we celebrate our differences and our sameness as God’s beautifully diverse and purposefully connected people.

CONGRATULATIONS, Karen Foster! You have been selected to receive a signed copy of Different Like Me. I will email you with details. I am thankful for every one of you who showed courage by sharing your story.

We’re So Close to Bringing Solomon and His Service Dog Together!


When 4-year-old Solomon was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy in April 2020, we started a fundraiser to help him raise the money he needed for a professionally trained service dog.

We started fundraising on June 10th. By June 14th, God’s amazing people had donated the $10,000.00 necessary to secure Solomon’s puppy from the next litter.


We still had to raise another $12,000.00 before we could secure the pup’s training spot.

Are you ready to celebrate?

God has used His generous people to help us raise a total of $14,038.9 between June 10-27, 2020!

Solomon has secured his puppy from the next litter and only needs $7,969.31 to secure his training spot!

I look forward to sharing photos and more about Solomon’s story as we continue supporting him on his journey. BUT TODAY, I’m asking for your help.

Will you join us by doing one or more of the following:

  1. Praying for Solomon, his family,the Tails for Life trainers, and the puppy God has already chosen to serve Solomon.
  2. Prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible donation in any amount directly to Tails for Life to help us reach our final goal.
  3. Share this post on social media and encourage others to donate and/or share the post, so we can reach more people.


You can make your tax-deductible donation online or send a check, made payable to Tails for Life with a note in the memo: “Solomon Henry’s Service Dog.

Please send checks to:

Tails for Life

Attention: Jacob Guell

W7074 Penny Lane

Fond du Lac, WI 54937

If you have any problems making a donation online and adding “Solomon Henry’s Service Dog” in the notes section, please make your donation online then email Jacob Guell at [email protected] to let him know your donation is for Solomon.

I am praising God now for the wonderful way He is going to provide for Solomon and his family, just like He provided for me and my sweet Callie Mae.

Please feel free to leave a comment below to encourage Solomon and his family, as well as the Tails for Life team members who have dedicated their lives to serving God by providing well-trained service dogs and ongoing training support to those in need.



First Goal Met: Solomon is Getting His Service Puppy!

Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

I thank God for every single person who helped us reach our first goal of $10,000.00 so that Solomon can be placed on the list to receive his puppy from the next litter!

Between June 10, 2020 and June 24, 2020, sponsors blessed us with $10,898.69 of tax-deductible donations made directly to Tails for Life and earmarked for 4-year-old Solomon Henry’s service dog.

I had the privilege of telling Solomon’s family that we reached our first goal on his sister’s birthday. What a gift!

Solomon was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy in April 2020. His family has been processing the life-changing impact of his diagnosis while facing big decisions about his treatment.

We may not be able to change Solomon’s diagnosis, but we ARE helping change his life.

Every single dollar . . . every single penny . . . every single time someone chose to share our posts has made a difference.

We still need $11,101.31 before Solomon’s puppy can start the two-year training program with lifetime training support.

But today, we’re celebrating!

To God be the glory, the honor, and the praise, praise, praise!


Would you like to join us in praying for the Henry family and prayerfully consider making a donation directly to Tails for Life today?

Please make checks payable to Tails for Life, write “Solomon Henry’s Service Dog” in the meme, and send to:


Tails for Life

Attention: Jacob Guell

W7074 Penny Lane

Fond du Lac, WI 54937


If you have any problems making a donation online and adding “Solomon Henry’s Service Dog” in the notes section, please make your donation online. Then email Jacob Guell at [email protected] to let him know your donation is for Solomon.

Please also consider inviting a friend or two to help so we can reserve Solomon’s spot and begin the two-year service dog training process as soon as possible.

I thank God for all of you who sponsored Callie’s service dog training and who continually pray for us as we share God’s truth and love to the ends of the earth.

I am praising God now for the wonderful way He is going to provide for Solomon and his family, just like He provided for me and my sweet Callie Mae.

Please feel free to leave a comment below to encourage Solomon and his family, as well as the Tails for Life team members who have dedicated their lives to serving God by providing well-trained service dogs and ongoing training support to those in need.



Working Together Can Change Solomon’s Life – June 22, 2020 Update

On June 10, 2020, I shared Solomon’s story with you. This four-year-old boy with a contagious love for God has inspired all of us. As his family processes their emotions while praying for guidance regarding his medical treatment, sponsors have been blessing them with tax-deductible donations paid directly to Tails for Life for Solomon’s service dog.

Over the last twelve days, Tails for Life has received $7,773.69 in donations to help bring Solomon and his service dog together.

We’re only $2,226.31 away from our 1st goal of $10,000, which will secure a puppy for Solomon from the next litter.

To God be the glory, the honor, and the praise, praise, praise!

Your generosity, words of encouragement, and prayers have overwhelmed the family.

They are facing some difficult decisions as they consider treatment options. The sooner we can get Solomon’s dog in training, the sooner he and his whole family will benefit from our gift.

I’m in tears as I type this message, thanking God for each of you who have donated, prayed, or shared this post.

It is a pleasure and privilege to see people coming alongside this family to help.

When the litter is born, the owner of Tails for Life will help the family choose a puppy.

The basic training begins before the breeder even releases the puppy to the trainers. Then, the Tails for Life family dedicates time around the clock to caring for this special dog they have committed to love and train so that he can serve the handler God has chosen for him ̶ Solomon.

As Solomon grows, he’ll need this service dog to help him with balance and mobility. The dog will be able to help him stand up when he falls. He will pick up and retrieve items for Solomon. And when Solomon transitions into a wheelchair, his service dog will remain by his side and ready to work.

A service dog will also alert family members when Solomon needs their attention. He will bring comfort and peace of mind to all of the family members as they lovingly serve as Solomon’s caregivers.

If I would have had my service dog when I served as my mom’s live-in caregiver, Callie could have helped me physically and emotionally.

I wouldn’t have had to use a cane to walk. I wouldn’t have hurt myself when picking up dropped items, which would have prevented me from caring for my mom while on crutches for six weeks.

With Callie, I wouldn’t have felt so alone when I was trying to be strong for my mom.

God strengthened me each day, but physically caring for my mom while trying to care for myself during my daily battle with chronic pain was hard and emotionally draining.

As Callie reaches the end of her first year in training with Tails for Life on July 9th, I sure would love to celebrate that special day by announcing that Solomon’s service dog is paid in full and ready to begin training!

With a service dog, the Henry family will be able to serve Solomon without depleting all of their mental, physical, or emotional strength.

We can’t change Solomon’s diagnosis. But, as we continue donating to help bring Solomon and his service dog together, we can be a part of what God is doing to change their lives.

Any donation amount will help and be appreciated.

Every dollar counts and helps us get closer to the goal of $22,000.00 so Solomon can begin his adventure with the service dog God has already chosen for him and his family.

Will you please join me in praying for the Henry family and prayerfully consider making a donation directly to Tails for Life today?

Please make checks payable to Tails for Life, write “Solomon Henry’s Service Dog” in the meme, and send to:

Tails for Life

Attention: Jacob Guell

W7074 Penny Lane

Fond du Lac, WI 54937

If you have any problems making a donation online or adding “Solomon Henry’s Service Dog” in the notes section, please make your donation online then email Jacob Guell at [email protected] to let him know your donation is for Solomon.

Please also consider inviting a friend or two to help so we can secure Solomon’s dog and training spot as soon as possible.

I thank God for all of you who sponsored Callie’s service dog training and who continually pray for us as we share God’s truth and love to the ends of the earth.

I am praising God now for the wonderful way He is going to provide for Solomon and his family, just like He provided for me and my sweet Callie Mae.

Please feel free to leave a comment below to encourage Solomon and his family, as well as the Tails for Life family members who have dedicated their lives to serving God by providing well-trained service dogs and ongoing training support to those in need.


As of July 22, 2020, Tails for Life has received $7,773.69 for Solomon’s service dog!


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