Welcome to the Waiting for God online discussion!

I started reading Waiting for God so I could seek the Lord with you. I know the Lord gave me the words to share with you, but He’s also using each chapter to remind me how much I need Him, how much I need His daily reminders, how much I need fellowship with His people.

In chapter one I shared a little bit about my healing journey. As I read the chapter today, I struggled with pain management and fatigue. Discouragement snuck up on me.

As my heart became “heavy from the weight of waiting,” the Lord lifted my chin and reminded me to look toward His unchanging and infallible Word.

I look forward to hearing what He revealed to you as you read through chapter one of Waiting for God. Please share your comments or your answers to the reflection questions in the comment section below.

Reflection Questions

1. How does remembering that God’s Word is eternal help us trust Him when our wait feels endless?

Though my life and my seemingly endless seasons of waiting are just blips on the radar of eternity, God’s Word was and is and always will be the same. So, when I’m weighed down by my ever-fluctuating circumstances or emotions, I can trust God’s unchanging truth will always be enough for me to stand firm no matter how long I have to wait for Him.

2. Return to Psalm 119 and read verses 92–93. How can delighting in God’s law preserve our lives and keep us from perishing in our affliction?

To delight in God’s law means to be content, satisfied, and joyful in the safety net of God’s loving commands, which are intended to guide us, secure us, and keep us walking and waiting with surefooted confidence in the center of His perfect will.

3. Which verses from the Bible help you focus on God’s power, love, and faithfulness instead of on the burdens in your personal walk through the wait?

There are so many verses that I run to when I need a reminder of God’s power, love, and faithfulness. However, the Lord anchors me to hope when I read Psalm 3:4-5 (NIV):

“I call out to the LORD, and he answers me from his holy mountain. I lie down and sleep; I wake again because the LORD sustains me.”

These verses remind me that the Lord Almighty always hears me, cares for me, and watches over me as I rest in the surety of His all-sustaining power and constant presence.



I’m looking forward to hearing how the Lord is working in your life. Please share your answers to the Chapter 1 questions below.


***Join the Chapter 2 Discussion***

*** Thanks for joining me to discuss the Waiting for God end-of-chapter questions. Please remain focused on what God is doing in and through your life and refrain from sharing full names or personal information (yours or anyone else’s) so we can keep this blog family a safe place to share. All comments will be monitored and modified to maintain a loving and encouraging atmosphere that is glorifying to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I look forward to growing with you.
