On June 10, 2020, I shared Solomon’s story with you. This four-year-old boy with a contagious love for God has inspired all of us. As his family processes their emotions while praying for guidance regarding his medical treatment, sponsors have been blessing them with tax-deductible donations paid directly to Tails for Life for Solomon’s service dog.
Over the last twelve days, Tails for Life has received $7,773.69 in donations to help bring Solomon and his service dog together.
We’re only $2,226.31 away from our 1st goal of $10,000, which will secure a puppy for Solomon from the next litter.
To God be the glory, the honor, and the praise, praise, praise!
Your generosity, words of encouragement, and prayers have overwhelmed the family.
They are facing some difficult decisions as they consider treatment options. The sooner we can get Solomon’s dog in training, the sooner he and his whole family will benefit from our gift.
I’m in tears as I type this message, thanking God for each of you who have donated, prayed, or shared this post.
It is a pleasure and privilege to see people coming alongside this family to help.
When the litter is born, the owner of Tails for Life will help the family choose a puppy.
The basic training begins before the breeder even releases the puppy to the trainers. Then, the Tails for Life family dedicates time around the clock to caring for this special dog they have committed to love and train so that he can serve the handler God has chosen for him ̶ Solomon.
As Solomon grows, he’ll need this service dog to help him with balance and mobility. The dog will be able to help him stand up when he falls. He will pick up and retrieve items for Solomon. And when Solomon transitions into a wheelchair, his service dog will remain by his side and ready to work.
A service dog will also alert family members when Solomon needs their attention. He will bring comfort and peace of mind to all of the family members as they lovingly serve as Solomon’s caregivers.
If I would have had my service dog when I served as my mom’s live-in caregiver, Callie could have helped me physically and emotionally.
I wouldn’t have had to use a cane to walk. I wouldn’t have hurt myself when picking up dropped items, which would have prevented me from caring for my mom while on crutches for six weeks.
With Callie, I wouldn’t have felt so alone when I was trying to be strong for my mom.
God strengthened me each day, but physically caring for my mom while trying to care for myself during my daily battle with chronic pain was hard and emotionally draining.
As Callie reaches the end of her first year in training with Tails for Life on July 9th, I sure would love to celebrate that special day by announcing that Solomon’s service dog is paid in full and ready to begin training!
With a service dog, the Henry family will be able to serve Solomon without depleting all of their mental, physical, or emotional strength.
We can’t change Solomon’s diagnosis. But, as we continue donating to help bring Solomon and his service dog together, we can be a part of what God is doing to change their lives.
Any donation amount will help and be appreciated.
Every dollar counts and helps us get closer to the goal of $22,000.00 so Solomon can begin his adventure with the service dog God has already chosen for him and his family.
Will you please join me in praying for the Henry family and prayerfully consider making a donation directly to Tails for Life today?
Please make checks payable to Tails for Life, write “Solomon Henry’s Service Dog” in the meme, and send to:
Tails for Life
Attention: Jacob Guell
W7074 Penny Lane
Fond du Lac, WI 54937
If you have any problems making a donation online or adding “Solomon Henry’s Service Dog” in the notes section, please make your donation online then email Jacob Guell at [email protected] to let him know your donation is for Solomon.
Please also consider inviting a friend or two to help so we can secure Solomon’s dog and training spot as soon as possible.
I thank God for all of you who sponsored Callie’s service dog training and who continually pray for us as we share God’s truth and love to the ends of the earth.
I am praising God now for the wonderful way He is going to provide for Solomon and his family, just like He provided for me and my sweet Callie Mae.
Please feel free to leave a comment below to encourage Solomon and his family, as well as the Tails for Life family members who have dedicated their lives to serving God by providing well-trained service dogs and ongoing training support to those in need.
As of July 22, 2020, Tails for Life has received $7,773.69 for Solomon’s service dog!